About the university


Safeguarding at Greenwich

As part of providing a safe environment in which to work and study, and protecting the public, the University has a  and a . This framework should be used to report concerns that may arise about children (anyone under 18), adults at risk (those over 18 who are vulnerable to harm or exploitation due to their personal situation and/or social circumstances), and radicalisation (the process by which an individual becomes vulnerable to supporting terrorism and the extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups).

Concerns can relate to students, staff or members of the public, and may relate to an individual's behaviour or how they are being affected by the behaviour of others.

Concerns relating to , , and should normally be reported immediately via the University’s portal. Other types of safeguarding concerns (e.g. Prevent-related concerns, child protection concerns, risks to adults who are vulnerable) should normally be reported immediately via the University’s Accident Management System. Concerns can also be discussed with the relevant Local Safeguarding Officer or the Lead Safeguarding Officers.

How we respond to a concern will depend very much on the context and situation, and could include referral to another University policy or support service, or (rarely) referral to an outside agency. The  is about ensuring that the right expertise is brought to bear in responding to a concern, including the involvement of the University's two Lead Safeguarding Officers (the Executive Director of Student and Academic Services and the University Secretary).

We encourage all staff to complete the following online courses (which must be completed by all Safeguarding Officers):

  • (covering child protection)
  • (covering Prevent and radicalisation)

For any questions concerning safeguarding, please contact the University Secretary.