
The benefits of online social networks for eating disorder sufferers


The benefits of online social networks for eating disorder sufferers

So-called ‘pro-anorexia’ and ‘pro-bulimia’ (or ‘pro-ana’ and ‘pro-mia’) websites are popular among eating disorder sufferers. Our study ‘ANAMIA’ of their social networks and online behaviours led to a change in the French Health Law. The study transformed French MPs’ thinking about a clause proposed in March 2015, establishing jail time and fines for people encouraging eating disorders on the web. Our research showed the pitfalls of such a measure, which would in fact target sick, vulnerable, and mostly young persons in need of care. Our voices were heard and ANAMIA is cited as reason for removal of that punitive clause from the final version of the law, passed in November 2015.

Our work was also cited by Italian promoters of a petition against a similarly punitive bill, proposed to the Italian Parliament in 2014 and also later withdrawn.

Finally, the study helped health professionals and charities in France and Italy to better understand the effects of online networking and to devise suitable forms of support.

Enterprise; Media; Research community

Faculty of Business; Greenwich Research and Enterprise