Jill Jameson

Professor Jill Jameson BA Hons, MA, PhD, PGCE, FRSA, FCMI

Professor of Education, Director of the Centre for Leadership & Enterprise

Key details

Professor Jill Jameson

Professor of Education, Director of the Centre for Leadership & Enterprise

Prof. Jill Jameson is Professor of Education and Director of the Centre for Leadership & Enterprise in the Faculty of Education, Health and Human Sciences at the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.

Jill joined the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ in June 2000 as Director of Lifelong Learning and Director of Research and Enterprise at the School of Education. She has an MA (Cantab), MA (Goldsmith's), BA, PGDip (UCT), PGCE (Distinction, Nottingham), MA (Distinction, King's College, London), PhD (King's College, London), Learning Resources/MR Management Cert. (with Merit, ILEA LRB).

She is awarded the following fellowships: FRSA, FCMI, FIfL. She is chair of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) and co-convenor of the British Educational Research Association's New Technologies in Education Special Interest Group.

Earlier in her professional career as Curriculum Leader for IT and Media, and Head of Learning Resources at Islington Institute of Adult Education, she studied for her MA and PhD Computers in Education while developing her current expertise in educational technology and leadership. She was honoured by the Chartered Institute of Management (CMI) Award for Achievement in Leadership and Management, and also a finalist for the CMI Outstanding Leadership Award in 2011.

Jill was the international co-chair for the Association for Learning Technology (ALT-C) in 2008, leading an international conference planning group comprising 60 academic and industry experts from around the world.

She was guest editor on the Association for Learning Technology Journal (ALT-J) (with Professor Grainne Conole) in 2000, as well as (with Professor Sara de Freitas) guest editor for two special editions of the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) on Collaborative e-Support for Lifelong Learning (2006) and e-Leadership (2013).

She is the Principal Investigator for the 2013–16 Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) Research Seminars Project on Higher Vocational Education and Pedagogy (HIVE-PED) in England, leading a group of professors and expert academics/practitioners and policymakers from the Institute of Education, Birmingham University, Huddersfield University, King's College London, BiS, Linking London, NIACE, and numerous other partners in the UK, Europe, the US, Australia and South Africa.

Jill is an expert in e-leadership, leadership and management in education, educational technology/e-learning, post-compulsory education/lifelong learning, and communities of practice and trust.

Posts held previously:

  • 2013-14, Faculty representative Research Ethics Committee, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ
  • 2013-14, Co-chair, Research Ethics Committee, Faculty of Education & Health, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ
  • 2004-13, School of Education representative for the University Research Degrees Committee and University Research and Enterprise Committee
  • 2014, Co-lead REF 2014 UoA Education Submission
  • 2005-13, Chair of Doctoral (PhD, EdD, DBA) and MPhil/MRes Viva examinations
  • 2010-13, Doctoral Appeals Panel Member
  • 2008, Lead for the RAE 2008 Education REF
  • 2004-11, Director of Research & Enterprise, School of Education, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ
  • 2004-10, Governor, Shooters Hill Post-16 Centre and Governor of Bexley College
  • 2000-09, Trustee Board Member, Open College
  • 2000-04, Chair, Progression Awards Board for Combined Honours Degrees, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ
  • 2000-04, Member Academic Council, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ
  • 2000-04, Director of Life-Long Learning, School of Education, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ
  • 1997-2000, Executive Director of student programmes, Abingdon College, Oxfordshire
  • 2000-03, Member Senior Management Committee, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ
  • 1995-97, Assistant Director, City & Islington College
  • 1990-95, Head of IT and Media department, City & Islington College

Responsibilities within the university

  • Professor of Education and Director of the Centre for Leadership & Enterprise in the Faculty of Education & Health
  • Leading on student and staff postgraduate research activity (EdD/PhD/MPhil/MA), School of Education
  • Supervisor on PhD/EdD/MPhil student research
  • Doctoral Course Coordinator for the Critical Review, Leadership & Management and Professionals in Society courses


  • 2011, Winner, Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Award for Leadership and Management Achievement
  • 2011, Finalist, Chartered Management Institute, for Outstanding Leadership for leadership and management of Education Research
  • 1993, Distinction in Education Research: MA, King's College, University of London
  • 1976, Distinction in the Theory of Education: PGCE, University of Nottingham
  • 1984, Merit, Learning Resources/Media Resources Management Certificate, ILEA


  • Fellowships: PFRSA, FCMI, FIfL
  • 2013, Invited PhD examiner, Bath Spa University
  • 2012-13, Invited MRes examiner, University of Mauritius
  • 2011-12, Invited DBA examiner, Kingston University
  • 2011-current, Invited PhD examiner, the Open University
  • Chair, Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) and the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Co-convenor, New Technologies Research Special Interest Group
  • ESRC principal investigator for the Higher Vocational Education and Pedagogy (HIVE-PED) Research Seminars Project
  • 2012, Member, Expert Group, National Commission for Adult Education and Vocational Pedagogy
  • 2010-12, Member, National Research Committee, Universities' Association for Lifelong Learning
  • 2010-12, Member, International Reference Group on Open and Distance Learning (UNISA, Cambridge)
  • 2009-13, Member, National Research Committee, UCET

Research / Scholarly interests

Jill's research interest specialise in educational leadership and management, e-learning/educational technology, trust, communities of practice and post-compulsory education/lifelong learning research.

This combination of research fields is rare, and Jill's work on e-leadership is both ground-breaking and exciting in calling for a new 'fifth age' of research into educational technology in which leadership of learning technology at both strategic management and operational levels should play a more prominent part.

Jill is also working on the concept of 'Barefoot Leadership' in the Faculty of Education & Health. Her model for this concept proposes a counterfactual optimistic proposition that resonates with poverty remediation, compassion and grassroots community leadership, building on theoretical philosophical ideals that resonate back to Socratic pedagogic leadership and to China's system of rural Barefoot Doctors and Barefoot Lawyers, in contrast with the harsh realities of some current performative organisational cultures in education.

As one member of the professorial team in the Faculty of Education & Health, Jill is involved in directing and overseeing all education doctorate and other postgraduate research degree programmes in education at the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ. Her research projects include:

  • 2013–16, 2ESRC HIVE-PED Project
  • 2011, Centre for Leadership, Trust and e-Learning (CELTEL)
  • 2011, Deptford Square Mile Creative Campus (DSqM)
  • 2011,Leadership Values, Trust & Organisational Cultures in a Recession in UK HE (Leadership Foundation for HE)
  • 2007–08, Trust and Leadership in the Learning & Skills Sector
  • 2006–08, JISC eLIDA CAMEL Project
  • 2005–07, JISC eLISA Project
  • 2006-7, Investigating Collaborative Leadership for Communities of Practice
  • 2005–06, Metaphors of Leadership

Key funded projects

2013-16, ESRC Research Council, Seminars Project: HIVE-PED: Higher Vocational Education and Pedagogy in England

This project was rated at the highest grade of 9-10/10 by ESRC reviewers who commented that it was an "outstanding" proposal with "important and clear aims and objectives… excellent plans for user engagement and an impressive number of important organisations in the field committed to being involved."

The aim of the project is to organise and deliver nine expert research seminars and several other research events to debate three overarching research themes of parity, progression and social mobility in higher vocational education, with the following sub-themes threaded throughout the seminars, interweaving evidence-based findings, theory and practice: parity of higher vocational education; vocational pedagogy, leadership and democratic citizenship; progression into higher education: the case of HE in FE; social mobility and higher vocational education; professionalism, pedagogy and vocational qualifications; progression into employment: changing the training culture; apprenticeship and progression; student success in and beyond higher education; student motivation, trust and drop-out.

The project involves professorial, academic, policy-making and user representatives from the UK nations, European and international partners, including colleagues from Denmark, the 23 country member network of TTNET CEDEFOP, Australia, South Africa and the USA. The HIVE-PED research seminars series will map out the research territory, report findings, facilitate debate, and make new research proposals on higher vocational education and pedagogic research in England. The seminars will build on prior research in the ESRC LLAKES and TLRP projects, on research reports from HEPI, HEFCE, SRHE, CEDEFOP and elsewhere from the UK, Europe and international partners to define key research questions and recommendations for new research, policy development, provision and progression between further, higher and apprenticeship education sectors and related employment outcomes to collaborate in advancing research in the field of higher vocational education.

Partners will collaborate in HIVE-PED Mini Conferences, a global HIVE-PED Research MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and in the production of more than 30 research publications, videos, research summaries, booklets and research methodology training guides over three years, including at least one special journal edition on Higher Vocational Education and Pedagogy. UK and international expert partners, each with significant experience of working on higher vocational education and training and post-compulsory education research, will contribute to the seminars.

The potential contribution of longitudinal tracking data about the progression of both apprentices and FE college learners into higher education and employment will be explored. The dissemination events, outputs and further research funding proposals will build on the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ BIS-funded research report, Progression of Apprentices into Higher Education and on Progression into Higher Education from London's FE Colleges (forthcoming, 2013). The project will work with Jim Dimond, FE & Skills Directorate, Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS), to consider appropriate policy recommendations for government arising from the research.

Overseen by a user-focused steering group and academic strategic planning group, the series will engage international and UK academic researchers, policymakers, providers and non-academic users to report and critique the results of research, consider new evidence, debate methodological issues, formulate research questions and make recommendations for the future. The steering group will include the FE and Skills Investment Directorate BIS representatives as well as members from UVAC, NIACE, LSIS, PwC, City and Guilds Skills Development Centre and Second Wave Youth Arts. The Academic Strategic Planning Group will be chaired by Professor Jameson and will include professors from the Institute of Education, King's College London, Birkbeck College, the London School of Economics and Political Science, and from Southampton, Birmingham, Huddersfield, Sheffield, Warwick and Wolverhampton universities.

Future potential for highly significant and valuable research into tracking the progression of all learners across the UK from further education and apprenticeships into higher education will be the subject of new research funding proposals emerging from the project.

Leadership Foundation for Higher Education: Leadership Values, Trust and Organisational Cultures in a Recession in UK Higher Education

This project on leadership in higher education, funded by the Leadership Foundation, is an evidence-based examination of leadership values, trust and organisational cultures in the recession in higher education in the UK, in a post-Browne, post-CSR environment, in the context of cuts to funding and large increases in student fees. The project was developed from extensive experience of higher and post-compulsory education leadership, governance and management research over the past three decades, considering diverse contexts from elite to mass participation institutions, and a wide range of international higher education environments, including emerging trends in online leadership.

The authors consider prior instances in which HE provision has been reduced (how/ why/ what was the outcome), the background and purposes of the Browne Review and CSR, the ways in which these proposals been received within HE, and their current and likely future effects on organisational cultures. The role of trust in the governance, leadership and management of UK HE and its links to leadership values and organisational culture was considered. The fundamental purposes and role of higher education as a 'public and personal good' in this changing environment was investigated, as were the opportunities and challenges to leadership of online learning.

Having considered the evidence, the authors drew up a range of recommendations to inform leadership values, the building of trust and renewed capacity for innovation in UK higher education for leaders, managers and governors in current and future challenging times. Recommendations include findings and leadership guidelines relating to strategic leadership for change, retrenchment and stringency.

Following data collection and analysis, a Leadership Foundation report on the project was submitted for publication (December, 2012) and the authors are now awaiting its final completion. A journal article by Professor Jameson was produced on the project findings in 2012: Jameson, J. (2012) Leadership Values, Trust and Negative Capability: Managing the Uncertainties of Future English Higher Education. Higher Education Quarterly, 66(4): pp. 391-414. Professor Jameson has also delivered several related conference presentations at the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Conference (2010, 2011) and elsewhere.

Recent publications


Essex, Ryan , Kennedy, Jack, Miller, Denise, Jameson, Jill (2023), . Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, Nursing Inquiry ISSN: 1320-7881 (Print), 1440-1800 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/nin.12571).

Jameson, Jill , Barnard, Jane, Rumyantseva, Nataliya, Essex, Ryan , Gkinopoulos, Theofilos (2022), . Taylor & Francis - Routledge. In: , , , . Taylor & Francis - Routledge, Studies in Higher Education, 48 (3) . pp. 424-444 ISSN: 0307-5079 (Print), 1470-174X (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2022.2145278).

Jameson, Jill , Rumyantseva, Nataliya, Cai, Minjie, Markowski, Marianne , Essex, Ryan , McNay, Ian (2022), . Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Computers and Education Open, 3: 100115 . pp. 1-27 ISSN: 2666-5573 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.caeo.2022.100115).

Jameson, Jill , Rumyantseva, Nataliya, Cai, Minjie, Markowski, Marianne , Essex, Ryan , McNay, Ian (2022), . Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Computers and Education Open, 3: 100115 . pp. 1-27 ISSN: 2666-5573 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.caeo.2022.100115).

Ade-Ojo, Gordon , Markowski, Marianne, Essex, Ryan, Stiell, Marlon , Jameson, Jill (2022), . Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning . pp. 1-14 ISSN: 0266-4909 (Print), 365-2729 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12653).

Essex, Ryan , Kalocsányiová, Erika, Rumyantseva, Nataliya, Jameson, Jill (2021), . Springer Nature. In: , , , . Springer Nature, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 23 (2) . pp. 543-568 ISSN: 1488-3473 (Print), 1874-6365 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-021-00850-0).

Jameson, Jill and , (2019), . Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, British Journal of Educational Technology, 50 (3) . pp. 951-955 ISSN: 0007-1013 (Print), 1467-8535 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12775).

Jameson, Jill and , (2018), . Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, Higher Education Quarterly, 72: 8 (4) . pp. 375-389 ISSN: 0951-5224 (Print), 1468-2273 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/hequ.12174).

Jameson, Jill , Ng'ambi, Dick, Bozalek, Vivienne, Carr, Tony (2016), . Wiley-Blackwell. In: , , , . Wiley-Blackwell, British Journal of Educational Technology, 47: 1 (5) . pp. 821-828 ISSN: 0007-1013 (Print), 1467-8535 (Online) (doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12486).

Book section

Jameson, Jill and , (2024), . Routledge - Taylor & Francis. In: , , In: Saradamoyee Chatterjee, Jill Jameson (eds.), Coercion and Trust: A Multi-Disciplinary Dialogue. Routledge - Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, Oxon; London , 1st (1) (1st) . pp. 81-108 . ISBN: 9781032503721 (doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003398233) NB Item availability restricted.

Jameson, Jill and , (2022), . Routledge. In: , , In: Eugenie A. Samier (ed.), Existential Crises in Educational Administration and Leadership: Existential Anxiety and Loss of Meaning in the Gaze of Munch’s ‘The Scream’. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon , 1 (1st) . pp. 170-188 . ISBN: 9780367702564 ; 0367702568 (doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003145288-13) NB Item availability restricted.

Jameson, Jill and , (2022), . Springer Nature Switzerland AG. In: , , In: Paul Gibbs, Peter Maassen (eds.), Trusting in Higher Education: A multifaceted discussion of trust in and for higher education in Norway and the United Kingdom. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland , 1 (57) (1) . pp. 51-67 . ISBN: 9783030870362 (doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-87037-9_4).

Jameson, Jill and , (2019), . Springer International Publishing. In: , , In: Paul Gibbs, Jill Jameson, Alex Elwick (eds.), Values of the University in a Time of Uncertainty. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland (1st) . pp. 279-295 . ISBN: 9783030159696 (doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15970-2_19) NB Item availability restricted.

Jameson, Jill and , (2019), . Routledge. In: , , In: Hong T.M. Bui, Hoa T.M. Nguyen, Doug Cole (eds.), Innovate Higher Education to Enhance Graduate Employability: Rethinking the Possibilities. Routledge, London, UK (1st) . pp. 31-43 . ISBN: 9780429058899 (doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429058899-4) NB Item availability restricted.

Jameson, Jill and , Loo, Sai (2016), . Routledge. In: , , In: Sai Loo, Jill Jameson (eds.), Vocationalism in Further and Higher Education: Policy, Programmes and Pedagogy. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK . pp. 131-140 . ISBN: 9781138947047 (doi: https://www.routledge.com/Vocationalism-in-Further-and-Higher-Education-Policy-Programmes-and-Pedagogy/Loo-Jameson/p/book/9781138947047).

Edited book

Chatterjee, Saradamoyee and , Jameson, Jill (2024), . Routledge - Taylor & Francis. In: , , , . Routledge - Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, Oxon; London (1st) . ISBN: 9781032503721; 9781003398233 (doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003398233).

Gibbs, Paul , Jameson, Jill, Elwick, Alex (2019), . Springer International Publishing. In: , , , . Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland (1st) . ISBN: 9783030159696 (doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15970-2).

Jameson, Jill and , (2019), . Routledge. In: , , , . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon , 26 (1st) . ISBN: 9781138564343 978-1315122410 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315122410) NB Item availability restricted.

Loo, Sai and , Jameson, Jill (2016), . Routledge. In: , , , . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK (1st) . ISBN: 9781138947047ISSN: 9781317366799 (Print), (doi: https://www.routledge.com/Vocationalism-in-Further-and-Higher-Education-Policy-Programmes-and-Pedagogy/Loo-Jameson/p/book/9781138947047).


Smith, Sharon , Joslin, Hugh, Jameson, Jill (2017), . Linking London. In: , , , . Linking London, London (1st) (doi: https://docs.gre.ac.uk/rep/faculty-of-education-and-health/progression-of-college-students-in-london-to-higher-education-2011-to-2014).