
Mwansa Lungu

Senior Retail and Collections Supervisor, Atlas Mara Bank

I loved every part of the day that I spent at my graduation ceremony Everyone was so helpful and all my expectation were met.

Memories of Greenwich

My Snapshot is from my graduation day. This has a lot of memories for me, and I can proudly say that I made it as a graduate of such a well-respected institution. As my name was called during the ceremony, I remember looking back towards the friends I travelled with all the way from Zambia to attend graduation. This was so emotional and as I looked back, I thanked God for everything.

Greenwich is well regarded in my country, Zambia, and has a reputation for welcoming students from across the world. I was learning at the Cyber Academy in Zambia, a partner institution of Greenwich.

Life after Greenwich

Immediately after completing my studies I joined Finca Zambia as a Credit Analyst. I was in the role for 9 months before joining Atlas Mara Bank as a Senior Retail and Collections Supervisor.I have also started a Masters in Business Administration at Texila American University in Zambia.

  • BSc Computer Systems and Networking, 2017

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