
Neha Dadhich

Software Engineer, American Express

My Graduation Day was one of the best days of my life as after all the hard work I completed my degree with first-class honours. My family was really happy too and it was a huge celebration for us all.

Memories of Greenwich

I miss walking near the River Thames as it always calmed my mind and helped me to perform better. Time spent with my classmates in the library and in King William was also very special to me. I miss all my lecturers and tutors a lot; they all were supportive and their feedback has helped me achieve what I have today. My tutor, Dr Elena Irena Popa, was always especially encouraging.

I chose Greenwich because of its course content and beautiful campus. I wanted to become a software engineer and modules like Application and Web Development, Computer Programming, and Systems Development have been really beneficial for my career. Additionally I received a lot of employability support which helped me to find a placement with the Charities Aid Foundation during my degree.

Life after Greenwich

I am currently working as a software engineer at American Express and it is a very enjoyable experience with an amazing opportunity to improve my software knowledge. As of now, I plan to continue my job and explore the industry.

My time at Greenwich has helped me a lot with what I am doing today. The employability events have helped me improve my soft skills and confidence, while modules including Agile Methodology have helped me to understand how the industry works. The IT industry is ever-changing and that requires constant learning. Thanks to my time at Greenwich I have developed a better way to learn and improve myself.

  • BSc Computer Science, 2019

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