
Sameer Dhore

Due Diligence & Compliance Officer, Millennium Group

This photo was taken on the day of my graduation ceremony – although I had to wait 18 months, it was a very special day.

Memories of Greenwich

Apart from my classes, tutors and the programme, some of the fondest memories at Greenwich involved hanging out with friends in Lower Deck. At Greenwich I met lots of new people from a variety of backgrounds and this has given me so much exposure to the wider world.

I chose to study my Master’s at the Business School due to Greenwich’s location. Being so close to Canary Wharf and the ‘Big Four’ fintech companies was a big draw for me. The course itself was very interactive and the workshops, lectures and placement pushed me beyond my limits. I made a lot of friends from different backgrounds and mindsets.

Life after Greenwich

I am currently working as a Due Diligence & Compliance Officer. In this role I mainly deal with HMRC-related queries and lead the organisation’s compliance team. Beyond my role, I love networking with likeminded individuals, giving and sharing ideas.

I also volunteer with NISAU a UK-based organisation representing Indian students and I am now its Head of Student Societies, building on volunteering I did while at Greenwich.

Over the next couple of years I wish to develop further in my current role. Following that, and depending upon the opportunity, I’d be interested in moving to a different country. In the long-term I am planning to setup my own business.

  • MBA International Business, 2020

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