Extenuating circumstances

Information for students on taught programmes of study

You're expected to take part in assessments at set points during the academic year but we know that sometimes circumstances outside of your control might stop you from being able to undertake these assessments or to do them to the best of your ability.  The 'extenuating circumstances' procedure is how you let us know.

Before submitting a claim, please read all the information below and be aware this is only guidance. It supports but does not replace the  which we recommend that you read as well.

The university has reviewed its Extenuating Circumstances process and has made changes that have been introduced from 23 September 2024.

Visit the Self-certification page and the new Updated Extenuating Circumstances Procedure 2024/25 FAQs page to find out more.

Still have questions?

Please check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for answers to further questions about extenuating circumstances claims.

If you have a general query about the EC procedure that hasn't been answered on this web page, please contact regulations@gre.ac.uk.

Further advice and Support

It's important that you tell the university as early as possible about your extenuating circumstances. Advice and support are available from your personal tutor along with a range of other sources: