Tomorrow's Mathematicians Today

Programme and abstracts

Conference programme for TMT 2016

Those speakers marked with * have been short-listed for the GCHQ Prize. For more information about each talk, see the abstracts

Time Event
10.00 Registration
10.15 Tony Mann and Noel-Ann Bradshaw: Welcome and Introduction
10.30 Andrew Silverman, Birkbeck, University of London, Pascal's Triangle: Beyond the Non-Negative Integers
10.50 Max Masters, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ, How I scientifically lost my money on the Grand National
11.10 Rachael Whyman, University of Kent, Tiling Time with Music and Juggling
11.30 Coffee Break (Coffee courtesy of Taylor and Francis)
11.50 *Tom O'Neill, Aberystwyth University, From Butterflies to Bridges: A Study of Wave Propagation Through Periodic Structures
Georgia Rubinstein, University of East Anglia, The Story of Émilie Du Châtelet
12.10 *Hannah Pybus, University of Nottingham, Mathematical Models of Growth Factor Activation during Bronchoconstriction in Asthma
Demetra Vasiliou, University of Glasgow, Lagrange's Contribution to Mechanics
12.30 *Matjaz Leonardis, University of Oxford, What group theory is really about
12.50 Lunch

Splinter Session 1 – attend a choice of 5 streams

Maths and the physical world:

Andris Thompson, University of East Anglia, Applications of Mathematics to Lepidopterology: Chaos Theory and the Butterfly Effect
Jake Holdroyd, Nottingham Trent University, Bayesian modelling of Platelet Aggregation
Daniel Burrows, University of Sussex, Beyond Fourier: A Study of Wavelets

Probability and Data:

Yiliu Wang, University of Oxford, Paradoxes in Probability
Paul Bowen, Coventry University, Self-avoiding walk models for polymers in solution: Monte Carlo investigation of the collapse transition of a walk model
Uday Mohur, University of Manchester, Data Analytics and Portfolio Management


Sahra Ahmed Kulmiya, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ, How has abstract mathematics impacted the discovery of the Higgs Boson?
Joe Pollard, University of Oxford, Quantum Chaos in the Delta-Kicked Oscillator
Alissa Kamilova, Swansea University, Quantum Computing for a Quantum World

Algebra and Topology:

Thomas Wright, York University, Banach Algebras and Automatic Continuity
Cameron Whitehead, University of Oxford, D-modules on singular schemes
Henrique Rui Neves Aguiar, University of Oxford, Why Antarctica seems so big

GCHQ Shortlist:

*Robert Findlay, University of Durham, Classifying Tiling Spaces of the same Cohomology
*Chan Bae, University of Oxford, Embedding graphs in ℜ3 without self-intersections
*Vitalijs Brejevs, University of Glasgow, Frobenius algebras and cobordism diagrams

2.45 Break

Splinter Session 2 – attend a choice of 3 streams


Robert Long, Coventry University, Numerical studies of electro-optic properties of PbSe Nano-crystals
Andrew Kelly, Birkbeck, University of London, Solving commercial colour-rending problems of LED illumination using multi-die sources and linear programming

The Continuum Hypothesis and Chaos:

David Paintin, University of East Anglia, The Continuum Hypothesis
Jacob Bennett-Woolf, University of Glasgow, Infinity is Weird: The Axiom of Choice And You And You And You And You And You And You And You And You And You...

ODEs and PDEs:

Ruoyu Wang, University College London, Theory of Distributions and Linear Differential Equations
Rasa Giniunaite, University of Warwick, Numerical schemes for geometric PDEs

Biological models:

Lizhi Zhang, University of Strathclyde, The stability of classic predator-prey models and modification
Bin Wang, University of Strathclyde, Comparative Study of Two Epidemic Models on Realistic Networks

3.50 Award of GCHQ Prize
4.00 Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Eugenia Cheng, University of Sheffield and Scientist in Residence at the Art Institute of Chicago, Deep Structures: my journey into abstract mathematics

Abstract: I will talk about mathematics as a way of thinking, as opposed to a way of calculating the correct answers. I will give a personal account of how I was drawn to more and more abstract mathematics, until I finally found my mathematical home in Category Theory. Abstraction for me is the process of shedding details to get to deep structures that are holding things together. I will describe some of my favourite abstract structures and show how abstraction reveals connections between apparently unrelated ideas.
5.00 Finish