IT and Library Services

Current projects

Find out more about our current and recent projects and their status on the IT Strategy Roadmap.

Current projects

All IT projects, whether they are managed by an ILS project manager or by colleagues outside of the Programme Management Office, are monitored and reported on monthly.

The Project Status Report provides a summary of the key aims of each project along with an update of progress in the last period and planned activity for the next period. Each project is assessed for progress against time, cost and quality with an indicative red, amber or green status assigned accordingly.

The university's Project Status Report defines these statuses as follows:

  • Red – Project is experiencing a problem which means the agreed plan needs to be adjusted.
  • Amber – Medium risk of timelines or project failing to deliver as originally planned.
  • Green – Project is proceeding to plan.

If you wish to be added onto the monthly circulation list for the project status report then please contact us at pmo-office@greenwich.ac.uk

Project updates

Student Lifecycle Management (SLM) Our Digital Student Centre will be our one-stop-shop for student enquiries and enhanced personalised holistic support. SLM will deliver this platform and supporting processes, starting with student enquiries in August 2023.

Infrastructure Transformation Project. Moving the majority of our applications to the cloud will give us the flexibility and agility we need to deliver high performing, flexible and scalable digital technology solutions.

IT Asset Management project. We are centralising IT asset procurement with supporting budget provision. Standardising our IT assets and managing them centrally will achieve many benefits. These include improved information security, cost savings, and greater support of mobile working.