Centre for Sustainable Cyber Security (CS2)

Centre for Sustainable Cyber Security (CS2)

CS2 leads research into sustainable cyber security solutions working now and long term. We prioritise energy-efficiency, cost-efficiency, user acceptance and practicality of real-world adoption of novel cyber security technologies and best practices.

CS2 Projects

CS2 undertakes interdisciplinary research with experts in computer science (cyber risk, verification, forensics), engineering (IoT security), law (privacy and data protection), psychology (face and voice recognition) and business (cyber economics).

Our experts

Dr Yasmine Arafa

Academic Portfolio Lead for Computer Science (AI-driven Solutions and Blockchain)

Dr Ralph Barthel

Senior Lecturer in Disruptive Technologies (Human Data Interaction and Privacy)

Dr Anatolij Bezemskij

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science (Cyber-physical Threat Detection)

Dr Michèle Birtel

Associate Professor of Social Clinical Psychology and Centre Lead of the Centre for Mental Health

Professor Josh P Davis

Professor in Applied Psychology

Dr Ismael Essop

Deputy Head of School of Engineering, Associate Professor in Digital Solutions and Security

Dr Harry Farmer

Senior Lecturer in Psychology

Dr Stef Garasto

Senior Lecturer in Data Science (AI and Ethics)

Rebecca Gomm

Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychology

Dr David Gresty

Senior Lecturer in Disruptive Technologies (Digital Forensics)

Dr Anke Görzig

Associate Professor in Psychology

Dr Ik Soo Lim

Senior Lecturer of Computer Science (Trustworthy Agent-based Systems)

Professor Jixin Ma

Professor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (Applied Cryptography and AI)

Dr Georgios Mantas

Senior Lecturer in Digital Security & Management (Internet of Things Security)

Dr Karim Nasr

Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering (Wireless Communications)

Dr Nuno Otero

Senior Lecturer in Data Science (AI Privacy)

Professor Manos Panaousis

Professor of Cyber Security and Deputy Head, Centre for Sustainable Cyber Security (Cyber and Privacy Risk Management)

Dr Sakshyam Panda

Lecturer in Cybersecurity (Security and Privacy for AI)

Dr Mariusz Pelc

Mariusz Pelc Senior Lecturer in Computer Systems and Networking (AI-powered Expert Cyber Systems)

Dr Anna Piazza

Senior Lecturer in Economic Sociology

Professor Georgia Sakellari

Professor of Networked Systems (Resilient Internet of Things)

Professor Georgios Samakovitis

Professor of Financial Technology, Deputy Head of School (Fintech, Blockchain and Privacy)

Dr Sadiq Sani

Senior Lecturer in Cybersecurity (Operational Technology Cyber Security)

Dr Muhammad Taimoor Khan

Associate Professor in Cyber Security (Certified Sustainable Cyber Security)

Najma Taimoor

Lecturer in Computer Science (Secure Healthcare)

Dr Ivana Tomic

Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security (Internet of Things Security)

Dr Srinidhi Vasudevan

Senior Lecturer in Business Management

Dr Tuan Vuong

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science (Cyber-physical Security)

Dr Muhammad Waqas

Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security (Wireless Communications Security)

Professor Özgür H. Çınar

Professor of Law, Principal Fellow of the HEA

Research activity

About us

We believe that multiple expert perspectives are needed to develop cyber security solutions which are effective over the long term. CS2 is therefore fundamentally interdisciplinary and holistic in its approach to research.

We bring together experts in computer science (e.g., cyber risk, verification, forensics, network security), engineering (e.g., Internet of Things security), law (e.g., privacy, data protection and cyber crime), psychology (e.g., online harms, face and voice recognition), and business (e.g., cryptocurrencies, cyber investment).

Examples of recent highly interdisciplinary projects include:

  • COCOON and CHAI, which link psychology and education with cyber security;
  • CUREX and MERIT, which combine cyber security and economics;
  • TRILLION, which combines law with social media and cyber security; and,
  • EUNOMIA, in which AI and cyber security are informed by ethics and political science.