About the university

Governing Body reserved powers

According to Article 16.2 of the Articles of Association the following matters may not be delegated:

  • The appointment or dismissal of the Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellors or Secretary.
  • Those matters delegated to the Academic Council pursuant to paragraph(2) hereof other than to the Academic Council.
  • Approval of the annual estimates of income and expenditure.
  • The making, alteration, amendment, repeal or addition to any bye laws made under the provision of these Articles.
  • Ensuring the solvency of the University and the safeguarding of its assets.
  • The determination of the education character and mission of the University.
  • The varying or revoking of these Articles

And provided further that the Court may only delegate the following matters to a Committee which consists exclusively of Governors.

  • The termination of the membership of any Member of the University.
  • The doing of any act or thing which under or by the virtue of any provision of the Companies Act is required to be done by the Court.
  • The authorisation of the expenditure of any monies of the University except within such limits as the Court shall consider necessary for the proper performance of their functions by any committee or person to whom the Court shall properly delegate any matters in accordance with this Article and provided that the Court shall give notice of the said limits to any such committee or person.

For clarification the following are included within the general matters above:

  • The Corporate Plan
  • Regulations relating to appointment, promotion, discipline, supervision, dismissal and grievance for all staff
  • Constitution of the Students Union and legislation relating to the Students' Union
  • The draft annual Report and Financial Statements with supporting schedules
  • The annual Budget
  • The Financial Regulations of the University
  • Any proposal for the University to form or join any company, partnership or other form of legal association
  • Any proposal for the University to borrow money or to mortgage or charge all or any part of its property
  • Major new initiatives in academic areas
  • The use, in broad terms and within the academic policies of the University, to which all buildings of the University are put
  • Programmes and budgets for:
    • Building Maintenance – to include provision for contingency, planned and long term maintenance
    • Building Works
    • The arrangements for carrying out any estates development costing over £150,000* (including VAT and fees) including the appointment of consultants

* or other amounts determined from time to time by the Court