Quality Assurance

Link tutors

Link Tutors have a dual role in providing assistance and support to partner institutions and providing reassurance to the university that the partnership is operating appropriately.

In addition to ensuring ongoing dialogue through email, telephone and video conferencing, Link Tutors will undertake one or two visits to partner institutions during the year.

There is a private MS Teams site:

  • that Link Tutors can access where you can find more information, key contacts, and reports.

If you do not have access please email ipo@greenwich.ac.uk.


Link Tutor visits assist faculties in the process of monitoring partnership programme delivery and should complete a summary of outcomes using the new MS Form template here:

Please note, the MS Form cannot be saved and must be completed in one, or multiple, submissions. If you would like to write your responses offline ready to copy and paste into the MS Form then please download the link below.

At our February 2022 Link Tutor Workshop we removed the old Excel spreadsheet method, and are moving forward with MS Forms. We took lots of valuable feedback and have updated the report so you will find the questions and order have changed.

Useful Documents