Quality Assurance

Module management

You will find useful links and documents on this page to help guide module leaders when conducting any changes.

Module Introduction

Modules are the key building blocks of a student's academic experience. The majority of modules are created through the programme approval and review process but they can be developed separately. Modules can be updated and amended in response to changing needs, or removed and replaced altogether. Every year the university asks staff to write a short report about their module.

Please ensure that when making changes to any module or programme you consult the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) guidance and timescales to understand the requirements for student and staff consultation. You can find the documents here.


Please select from the dropdown list below

Propose a new module

Most new modules are introduced as part of programme approvals and periodic programme reviews, but others may be added to the academic portfolio during intervening periods to update or enhance existing provision or to respond to changing market demand.  Advice about developing a new module can be sought from Quality Assurance, from professional bodies, or from an appropriate external advisor such as a professional in the field, a discipline specialist or an External Examiner.

The Faculty Programmes & Partnerships Management Committee (FPPMC) is responsible for the approval of all individual new modules, module changes and discontinuations that occur outside programme approval and review processes.

Approved New Module Specifications will also need to be accompanied by a completed Programme Change Form and Programme Specification Template so the university can adapt the programme structure to accommodate the new module appropriately.

Timescales and deadlines

Submissions may be made at any time for all modules, to be approved by faculty, however changes in readiness for the following academic year need to have been approved and forwarded to the University Quality Team by the end of November to meet the university's deadline of the first week of December.

Useful Documents

Change a module

Once you have reviewed your module, you may feel that it needs to be updated to take account of changes in the subject, or that it should be revised in response to comment by the External Examiner or to student feedback.

If the changes you are proposing are very substantial, so that in effect it virtually amounts to a new course, you should use the New Module Specification instead (see 'Propose a new module' above). Advice on what constitutes very substantial change can be sought from Quality Assurance, but changes that automatically qualify for requiring a New Module Specification include:

  • Change of title
  • Change of level
  • Change of credit

Students affected by the changes should be notified in writing by the faculty in advance of the changes being implemented.

If the changes do not require a new module then you may complete a Module Change Form which then must be signed and approved by your faculty approving committee.

Timescales and deadlines

The module change process has been designed to enable colleagues to make changes to modules, which do not impact the structure of any programme(s), as flexibly as possible. As such, the following changes are permissible via the module change process:

  • Change the host School of a module
    (when remaining within the same Faculty/Cost Centre – if not then a new module will be required)
  • Add/remove a pre-requisite to a module
  • Change the aims of a module
  • Change the learning outcomes of a module
  • Change the scheduled teaching hours on a module
  • Change the summative assessments on a module

If you would like to make one or more of the above changes to your module, the deadline for making this change is the 31st May prior to the academic session you would like the change to come into effect.

Late changes

If you are requesting a change after December for the following September you must have this authorised by your faculty's Associate Dean for Student Success and it will require a chair's action from the Programmes & Partnerships Management Committee (PPMC).

Programme changes cannot be made in-session and put into place in the same session.

Useful Documents & Forms

Discontinue or suspend a module

As part of programme updating it may be necessary to discontinue old module options and cores, replacing them with new additions to the portfolio. This is done by using a Module Discontinuation Form.

This will affect the programme structure and you need to make sure that programme documents are also updated. Proposals to discontinue will need to be accompanied by a completed Programme Change Form. You should consider the wider impact of discontinuing a module before completing the form. For example, it may affect a number of different programmes within or beyond the faculty (e.g., in a partner organisation).

The Programmes & Partnerships Management Committee (PPMC) is responsible for the approval of module discontinuations.

Replacing a discontinued module

If you need to replace a discontinued module with a new module please ensure that a new module proposal and revised programme structure(s) are also completed and endorsed by faculty using the 'Propose a new module' section above.

You may also us a Module Discontinuation Form to 'suspend' a module from a programme of study for a given period of time. In this case the module remains 'live' but not open to selection by students.

Timescales and deadlines

A module discontinuation may be submitted anytime prior to the 1st of December to be approved by faculty in readiness for the following academic year.

Please ensure you consult the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) guidance and timescales to understand the requirements for student and staff consultation.

Late changes

If you are requesting a change after December for the following September you must have this authorised by your faculty's Associate Dean for Student Success and it will require a chair's action from the Programmes & Partnerships Management Committee (PPMC).

Programme changes cannot be made in-session and put into place in the same session.

Useful Documents & Forms

Module Monitoring / Submit an Annual Module Report

After each occurrence of a module, a short Module Monitoring Report must be written to ensure that staff, student and External Examiner feedback is addressed.

Module Monitoring Reports are used to inform Annual Programme Review reports, as well as forming part of the Subject Assessment Panel (SAP) process. Student module evaluations take place through the online EvaSys system, with actions reported back to students.

The Module Monitoring Report uses the online 'greweb' system and is available on the '' in the Learning Support tab under 'Academic Resources' where you select the 'Annual Monitoring Reports' link. It should be completed and submitted to the Head of Department and departmental committee.

Timescales and deadlines

A Module Monitoring Report should be completed shortly after the end of the module, and in time to be presented at the relevant SAP.

The Module Monitoring Report system will go live every academic year from the 01st November, this will allow colleagues that have cross-sessional end modules that they complete early in Term 1 to complete their report.